Isn’t it interesting that our calendar year begins and ends in the cold, wet, and dark months of winter (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere).

Winter brings the satisfaction of accomplishment and completion with autumn just concluded and the hope and anticipation of unborn history soon to exit the womb of preparation in spring. Winter is a time of catharsis—a restoration, renewal, and revitalization that is more important than we are usually willing to direct credit. So it is for our family this winter season. We celebrate a safe and productive 2009 and look forward to 2010. Some of our family highlights include our trip to New Mexico for a family reunion at Grandma and Grandpa Winfree’s, helping Tressa and her husband Chris move from Utah to Atlanta, Georgia via tornados and thunderstorms of Kansas, visiting Church historical sites in Missouri and Illinois, and staying with Chris’ family in Missouri…this year we were able to see all our children’s in-laws. What a blessing to grow our relationship with them. Our highlight visit of the year was our son Brian’s visit in November.
Tom got his mission call to
¡¡Mexico City!! and spent November and December in the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah learning Spanish and improving his skills to teach the gospel.

He will travel to Mexico in early January. He also completed a successful year at Cal State Fresno.
Rosey competed her 10th year of dance—she is growing into a very graceful and poised young lady. She is completing her 8th grade year and looks forward to high school. With all her siblings gone, she is also basking in the “only child” environment at home. Mike and Vicky love the Yosemite Ward of nearly 700 members spread over the Sierra Foothills covering over 1,200 sq miles. We are making many great friends. We love being grandparents and being surrounded by family. We are happy to tag along as we have served and celebrated with our family and friends in their challenges and achievements. In turn, thank you for your love, friendship, and strength as we have walked our road in 2009. We look forward to 2010 with great anticipation of new experiences, new opportunities with old friends, and new friends and family to come.
Grandchild Photo Gallery—Our 3 Wise Men
The pirate and the bumble bee are Mike and Vicky’s grandsons.

They live very close by and grandma and grandpa are very spoiled getting to see them almost everyday. They are enjoying the mountains, family, and growing up (while grandpa gets in touch with his inner 4-year old).
James Powers is a singer and our resident dragon slayer.

We all sleep safer at night knowing James the Knight has swept the grounds of any errant fire breathing serpents.He also loves to sing—especially his dad’s songs and he loves nursery school—where his great-grandmother still teaches.
Mitchell Eagar would never come in the house, except that is where the chocolate milk is located.

He loves the outdoors and his favorite thing is playing with his cousin James. Puddles and taking his dog Franklin for walks are his specialties.
Thomas Eagar was born December 8th and is a happy little angel.

His favorite activity is cuddling—much to the joy of his mom and Grandma Vicky.