Ask God to put you just where he wants you, and to tell you what he wants you to do, and feel that you are on hand to do it. Brigham Young
2006 saw many of our family migrate to New York City. We all had the chance to spend time with each other in that big crazy city, but it is home for Sarah and Josh who moved there in March. Adriana and Matt have lived there for several years and Brian moved there in May. Both couples live in Brooklyn and attend the same ward. Brian lives in the Financial District in Manhattan. Josh works at Time-Warner, Matt has several jobs, but most enjoys his music—playing bass with the Cringe (Sony Records). Sarah is busy with art, teaching, and illustrating children’s books. Adriana is starting a new business venture NaturallyNana to open in 2007 with a variety of natural consumer products. Brian is working for Back Channel Media headquartered in Boston—where he is moving at the first of the New Year.
Vicky and Mike—just young adults themselves, are grandparents! And oh yeah, coincidentally—Nana and Matt are the proud parents of James—a most amazing baby boy. He was born on 22 September—tipping the scale for a majority of our growing clan in favor of the East Coast. James, mom and dad are doing great. Both grandparents are still trying to adjust to the post-partum euphoria. We are not sure that is ever going to wear off.
Write things worth reading, or do things worth writing. Benjamin Franklin
The Utah side of the family is still enjoying living next to real mountains instead of the man-made kind. Tressa is a Sophomore at Utah Valley State College (Nursing major) in Provo. She has also discovered a talent for sculpturing. She is dating seriously but no official announcement yet. Tom and Rosemary are still at home in North Ogden, Utah—taking care of mom and dad. Tom is a junior in high school, and is a pianist and composer, and the adult supervision in our home. Rosemary is the family Emergency Preparedness Leader, a fifth grader, and dancer extraordinaire (just off the two day Ogden tour with the Nutcracker Ballet). Vicky is the most beautiful and wise grandmother that has ever graced the earth and Mike is aging for them both. Mike left his employment with the software company he worked with for many years and is starting his own business in the interactive distance learning arena. He has also authored several books—none of which have seen a commercial book shelf yet—but as an Angels baseball fan he has learned, there is always next year.
Like every year—we have enjoyed the blessings Heavenly Father so freely gives us and we have faced challenges and heartache that are blessings of another sort, because they bring us closer to the giver of all blessings. 2006 was a year of moves, new jobs, new family additions, new hopes and new challenges. We are grateful for it all. In particular, Vicky and I want you to know you have been in our thoughts and prayers this year and that we wish you a meaningful and merry Christmas and a productive and peaceful New Year.
